Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Jillian Grace and David Spade and Baby?

Jillian Grace announce that she is pregnant and that David Spade is the father of her unborn child. They had a brief relationship back in 2007 and Spade has said that if it is his child that he is willing to take responsibility for it.


Anonymous said...

David, you should have worn a condom. And at 22, she isn't that hot, and will make you pay for the rest of your life. She is too young for you and just wants to advance her career by getting more famous. The child will suffer also, as money can't buy a family or love. Didn't you guys talk about birth control or safe sex?

Anonymous said...

Brief relationships are just that. Always wear a condom when sleeping with a playmate. Irresponsible. She got you!

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